
The following helpers are available:

DataSet Importer

If you have a CSV file on disk that you want to quickly load into Domo, there’s a straightforward helper method for that:

$file = "/path/to/import.csv";
$name = "Dataset Name";

$dataSet = $client->Helpers->DataSet->createDataSet($name, $file);

The resulting $dataSet will be the API object, or the method will throw an exception.

Schema Builder

Build a new Schema

To create a new schema array, you can use an instance of the SchemaBuilder helper. Chain together all the fields you need, then export it to an array:

$builder = $client->Helpers->SchemaBuilder->create();

$builder->string("Full Name");
$builder->date("Start Date");
$builder->long("Mobile Number");
$builder->decimal("Monthly Salary");
$builder->double("Hourly Rate");
$builder->datetime("Last Login At");
$schema = $builder->toArray();

The $schema array will be created in the same order that the builder methods are called.

Create a Schema from sample data

If you have the first two rows of a CSV file, there’s a helper that can take a guess at the schema. You’ll need to parse them from the import file yourself:

$headers = [ "Date",       "Fruit",  "Revenue" ];
$record  = [ "2018-01-01", "Apples", 100.00    ];

$schema = $client->Helpers->SchemaBuilder->inferSchema($headers, $record);

The resulting $schema can be used in a createDataSet() call.